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Advanced solutions for meteorological applications including EUMETSAT

SpaceBand SR1’s is the most professional DVB-S2 Receiver for EUMETSAT applications

With more than 1,800 deployed SR1receivers throughout Europe, used by Governments organizations, Academic institutes, enterprises and amateurs in the past 9 years, the SR1 proved to be exceptionally reliable while demonstrating the highest performance to receive both Basic and High Volume Services by EUMETSAT.

The following are the key differentiators of the SR1:

  • Professional DVB-S/S-2 Receiver (ACM/CCM/VCM ; 16/32 APSK) 

  • Dual separated RF Inputs Support (can be connected to two Antennas)

    • Auto-switch-over between two RF inputs

    • Dual Tuners

    • Dual LNB Power Feed (14/18V, 22Khz DISEqC 2.0 support (Optional)


  • Dual Ports Interfaces for both Traffic and Management

  1. Traffic Interface via GigE ! to support full Txpd 

    • Enable future high-speed services / applications

    • Hardware-Accelerator enable wire-speed traffic processing 

    • No PPS limitations

    • Near-Zero latency / Jitter 

  2. Management Interface (10/100BaseT)

  • Traffic and Mang. Can be combined or managed separately :

    • The combination allows simple networking topology

    • The Separation enable better SECURITY and flexibility for remote management 


  • Management Support:

    • SNMP

    • Serial / USB CLI

  • Support Unique Adaptive ModCode mechanism to optimize user experience and performance 

  1. “MODCODE Filters” for Static configuration MASK and keep the receiver to lock only on possible modcodes which improve marginal installation at low S/N

  2. “Adaptive Threshold” for Dynamic configuration skip on modcodes at low S/N ratio and return to use these modecodes upon significant improvement of it’s S/N  

3 types of SR1 receivers are available

Space-Band is a Spanish headquartered company that act as Ayecka’s authorized and exclusive Value-Added-ReSeller for the SR1 products in Europe. Space-Band has a support center in Madrid, Spain to support EumetSat’s customers in Europe.

The SR1-Pro is an upgraded version of the Ayecka legacy SR1 and is now available in three variants - defined by the number of DVB receiver cards mounted in the enclosure that enable the maximum number of simultaneous carriers to be received and processed in a single 19” rack-unit chassis (see table below).

A SR1-Pro chassis can accommodate a maximum of three, each dual L-band receiver cards. The front panel label will reflect the model version (i.e. 2X, 4X and 6X) as illustrated in Figure 1 below.

In example. SR1-Pro-2X which can support the reception of the EUMETCast EUROPE traffic from satellite E10, both transponders C03 and C04. It is also capable of receiving EUMETCast Africa service traffic from EUTELSAT 8W, transponder C04.

Each L-band receiver card mounted in the enclosure has an ethernet and a USB management port, plus a gigabit Ethernet port to output the multicast traffic. Each dual L-band card must be configured from its own management interface port.

Captura de pantalla 2023-07-12 140503.png

The front panel label on each model will display the model name  i.e. 2X, 4X or 6X as shown below.


Figure 1 SR1-PRO  panel front view


The SR1-PRO DVB receiver cards make use of the DVB STV0910A demodulator chip which is an upgrade to the previous STV0900 used on the legacy SR1 model.

The Ayecka SR1-PRO is constructed in a 1U, 19in rack mountable enclosure.

The SR1-Pro-2x model contains one dual input receiver circuit board with one gigabit interface which can output simultaneously the multicast traffic captured from the two L-band RF inputs.

SR1-Pro Upgrades

The SR1-Pro-2X contains a single dual input receiver board, but if needed the enclosure can accommodate two additional receiver boards thus allowing the simultaneous reception of a maximum of six transponders inputs when fully populated.

Users with a single receiver board must return the unit to Space-Band support center in Madrid, Spain in order to have an upgrade performed via adding one or two more dual-receiver cards. When procuring a new unit User shall specify at ordering time if one or two additional receiver cards is required.

SR1-Pro-2x front and rear panel layout

The front panel shown in Figure 1 below shows the ethernet port for management monitoring and the traffic gigabit port. A USB port (type A) is for initial setup of the device. The 4X and 6X models will have the additional ports same as the 2X model.


Figure 2 SR1-PRO 2X panel front view

On rear of the SR1 Pro-2X is located the two F style female L band inputs, a power input IEC C14 connector, an on/off power switch, a fuse holder and a M4 bolt for connecting an earth bonding point.   


Figure 3 SR1-PRO 2X rear panel view

 For additional technical or commercial information or request for purchase please use the “Contact us” button or send email to

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