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CyberScope is a qualified Cyber-Security System Integrator, which delivers Professional Services, Systems, Solutions and Secured Network Services to both Governmental organizations and Enterprises worldwide.

CyberScope recognizes that every company is unique. Operating in different combinations of infrastructure, technologies, type of customers, etc. Therefore, have different vulnerabilities and risks.


In addition, companies pursue different goals when implementing Cybersecurity solutions. Some seek to mitigate compliance risk (i.e. GDPR); while others seek to address the challenge of superior operational Up-Time; improve customer satisfaction and confidence, etc.


CyberScope’s Key differentiator versus a typical provider that promote only a single product is our "Multiple Options" approach

CyberScope has the freedom to select the most appropriate solution from a variety of cyber solutions tailored to perfectly addresses the unique operational challenges of the customer.

SIEM Solution


Cyber-Security solutions that maximize the existing network infrastructure for organization that would like to augment a powerful managed security tool by integrating to the existing infrastructure.  The solution requires low-level design and integration that lead to a synergy between existing infrastructure and powerful management tools which enable High ROI with “On-Prem” solution for organization that have the capacity to manage it locally.

Remote Browsing and CDR 


Remote Browsing solutions enable enterprises to re-direct any link that is about to be opened to a secured Container and open the link remotely.
Therefore, the links that are part of an attack attempt will not be landing on the real targeted computer and will not be able to inject any malware on the targeted computer. Moreover, every file that was sent via the link (i.e. image) will be opened in the Container and re-built using CDR technology (Code Dis-Arm and Re-Construction) to validate that the file content do not contain any hidden code malware.

Email Anti-phishing solution 


As email phishing grows more sophisticated and remains a primary attack vector for data breaches (60% from all attack path scenarios).


In October 2017, Microsoft announced that its ATP had missed 34,000 phishing emails.


IRONSCALES is first and only email security solution to combine human intelligence with machine learning to automatically prevent, detect and respond to email phishing attacks using a multi-layered and automated approach. IRONSCALES reduces the time from phishing attack discovery to enterprise-wide remediation from months to seconds, with very little security team involvement.

Automated, On-Line Pen-Testing and Vulnerability management platform:

  1. Next generation vulnerability management tool, and

  2. Unique certified Automated PT

    The challenge companies are facing is to have a real-time-updated, clear and practical insight on their network’s vulnerabilities.

    The traditional method of a human hacker arrive on-site to provide pen-Testing services that is limited (time, cost) to just few sites and a report (which is no longer valid upon any change in the network, i.e. OS updates, Drivers, new PC).

    CyberScope’s solution provide 24x7x365 ON-Line automatically Vulnerability scanning and Pen-Testing on all the organization’s branches and all the end-points and provide business risks notifications map, designating “Critical Junctions” to be remediated (with Zero “Falls-Positive”) and clear actionable recommendations on a Business activity basis (i.e. Billing, Service, Production, Procurement etc..)

CyberScope provides:

  1. “What to be fixed” Actionable-Insights on the specific Vulnerabilities that introduce real risk (not just a long list of general recommendations).

  2. “How to fix” clear guidance to fixing it as “Zero-False-Positive” (means carefully selected Vulnerabilities that once fixed, will solve risk).

  3. “What was solved” presents the outcome following implementation of the recommendations via fixing only what is really needed .

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